Friday, January 29, 2016

Simple Soul Speak

I'd like to write today's blog in conjunction with Kevin Garrett's song "Refuse."
As a whole, I prefer letting photos do most of the talking these days. I'm realizing more and more how I am being shaped as a human. We were made to change. While words can serve as markers for growth, photos can too, in their own special way. I'm a highly visual person, and while I thoroughly enjoy (and am constantly) writing, I'm also constantly envisioning my words and my ideas.
I'm pairing my photos today with the song "Refuse" because it is a beautiful song that speaks to part of where I am now, in my soul. Listen to it! (Link below)
"I'm okay alone. It makes my soul stir."
"Under microscopes, keep my head in the dirt."
"Slow crash, stumble over nothing on my own path"
"Runaway, I'm just a nomad"
"No one ever wanted me to go back"
"I know I am anything but uncouth"
"People try and change me since my youth..."
"But I refuse."
"Far away from home, forgot my address"
"Mind is still on loan...keeps me prepossessed."
"Slow crash, stumble over nothing on my own path. Runaway, I'm just a nomad. No one ever wanted me to go back. I know I am anything but uncouth. People try and change me since my youth. But I refuse."

Press play and thanks for checking out yet another of my "naturalist" soul refreshing adventures. 
Peace, and be a hobbit. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016


"I found it today at 2:09 pm.
I found something so sweet, pure, and beautiful. I found perfection in the midst of contradiction and tension. I found the newness of perfection within the defeat of the old. 
It was spatial, but it wasn't. It was another dimension, but I was touching it in this one. It was a moment. It was a lifetime. It was fleeting. So permanent. So indescribable yet here I am trying to box it with words. Words. Boxes. Definitions. 
Maybe I'm crazy to call Wednesday Wunday but the thing is, I can do it if I desire. You see, words are normal, but are not required. Definitions are standard, but not absolute. 
This is why I can say I found perfection today. This is why I can tell you that where the elephants blast, I touched my past with the gentle brush of new. You see, here the children screech and the birds tweet, the lions roar and unfortunately the eagles don't soar. I was not far from home, but perfectly far away in my halo of perfection. I was the angel and I was the light, too, today, at the zoo."